Hello Homestead Goes Behind This Blog!

A few weeks ago, I got an email from a Website called Hello Homestead, asking me if I would participate in their Behind The Homestead Blog feature. They proposed asking a series of questions, and using my answers, and photos we provided, to profile our blog on their site.

Why not?

The result can be found here.

Hello Homestead

Hello Homestead landing page (Screenshot).

If you’re a faithful reader of the blog, this article may not provide anything new. Then again, everything on this blog comes from us; we choose the topics and edit the content, we set the parameters, we (generally) ask the questions. Perhaps Hello Homestead’s profile presents us in a new light?

I’ll be honest. My first notification of the article’s publication came on Facebook, and the accompanying photo, which we used in the post, Sacred Space, took my breath away! We often talk among ourselves about how refreshing it is to host visitors to the homestead, to gain new perspective on aspects of our life that we tend to take for granted in the day-to-day bustle of getting by. Something about that photo, which I took, which I’ve used on our blog, and have seen on my computer, seemed fresh and new in this different context.

Veranda view, Zeiger Family homestead

The companion photo to the one that seemed so refreshingly new when presented by another Website (Photo: Mark A. Zeiger).

Also refreshing was reading my own words, and realizing their import. As part of one answer, I wrote: “I’m making wine, which I really enjoy.” Reading it on their site, I saw that the sentence could have two meanings. It gave me pause, but then I conceded that the sentence remains true, no matter how one reads it!

Hello Homestead looks like a great site! I read several of their articles in assessing whether I should associate with them. I find myself returning for the new content as well.

New information or old, we’re glad to have the exposure. If you’re a new visitor to this blog as a result of the Hello Homestead piece, welcome!

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