A Kick Back Halloween

This Halloween strikes me as relatively obligation-free—a kick back Halloween, if you will.

Not that this is at all unusual. It’s just that we have a few events bracketing the evening itself, but tonight, we’re free.

Last night, my storytelling session at the library went very well! (see Preparing for a Halloween Reading.) While somewhat sparsely attended, those who came enjoyed themselves. My friend, Russ, took some good photos. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask attendees permission to post their images here. You’re missing out, guys—other than Russ and a fellow who came in as we wrapped up, my audience was all lovely ladies. Eye candy for this aging trick or treater!

A storyteller at his craft! (Photo: Russ White)

A storyteller at his craft! (Photo: Russ White)

I felt good! Early nerves gave way to enthusiasm as I started reading and telling stories. The intimacy of the venue allowed me to see and feel the listeners’ reaction and play off of that. I so rarely speak or perform in public anymore, I’ve forgotten how good it can feel. I almost never get any feedback on my books, so this opportunity to watch and hear people react to my stories thrilled me. I found it incredibly gratifying. We even sold a couple of books! A portion of the proceeds went to the Friends of the Library.

Tomorrow, we’ll have Mud Bay’s lone trick or treater and her family over for a Halloween party. We’ll have all day tomorrow to prepare for that, so we’ve got time to enjoy this evening in the manner we appreciate.

We will likely carve some Jack o’ lanterns, perhaps listen to some seasonal stories or music on the stereo (see Soundtrack of the “Homestead”: Halloween) maybe watch a movie. I’ll make some witches’ brew for dinner (recipe here). We’ll entertain some seasonal spirits—wine, most likely—and kick back for a pleasant Halloween.

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