Walking the Walk at Christmas Time

The content you’re looking for is no longer here. We’re finally beginning to shut this blog down, to remove old content.

We’ve chosen to start with essays that are available elsewhere. Specifically, this article has been edited into our eBook, More Calories Than Cash: Frugality the Zeiger Homestead Way. It contains edited, improved, and expanded versions of essays that used to be available for free on this blog, and new material as well. You can learn more about it, and order it here.



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4 Responses to Walking the Walk at Christmas Time

  1. Angie says:

    Mark, Christmas DOES come but once a year, and, as you said yourself in an earlier post, “Remember that frugality does not curtail generosity.” These things are treats; they make us happy and I don’t think they’re incompatible with an otherwise reasonably frugal lifestyle. I’ve always loved well-thought-out stocking stuffers, especially small tools or other completely practical supplies along with the gourmet treats. They’re not “extras,” they’re a practical expense this time of year. Their purpose: love and happiness.
    A warm winter, a gentle solstice, and a brave new year to all.

  2. John and Mary Helfrich says:

    The ultimate to us is the fact that you have Christmas lights on the cabin! With all the attention that is required to energize the homestead, you keep up the honored tradition of festive lights.
    Thanks for keeping all of us up to date on the homestead activities….you are an inspiration to us!!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and terrific visit with your brother and Anke.
    Thanking of you folks,
    John and Mary

  3. Mark Zeiger says:

    Merry Christmas, John and Mary! Thank goodness the power’s free for us, because I do love the Christmas lights. A new report says the U.S. uses more power on Christmas lights than many countries use for everything in a whole year. I’m glad we don’t contribute to that figure.

  4. Mark Zeiger says:

    Well said, Angie (and extra points, as always, for using my own words against me).

    Now that we’ve opened presents, I’ve had to reassess. What I belittled as “extras” turned out to be new headlamps, work gloves, and other important and practical things. There was even a fair amount of real food. It appears to be rather relative . . . .

    Looking forward to doing some totally unproductive things with you in 2016!

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