Harvesting the Garden

This weekend we’re harvesting much of the garden. It’s been a largely disappointing year because of the cold, wet weather that the Lower 48’s draught locked over us. Even so, we got some impressive artichokes, some decent carrots (which the local carrot thief never found), and only slightly fewer potatoes than last year. No pumpkins, but I can’t complain—we’re lucky we got anything at all!

artichokes Haines, Alaska

Some of our artichokes, the largest of which was about the size of a softball (and delicious!) (Photo: Michelle Zeiger).

potato harvest, 2012

Some of the 49 pounds of potatoes harvested this weekend (Photo: Michelle Zeiger).


Some of our carrots (Photo: Michelle Zeiger).

There’s still a lot to do if we want to get most of the harvest in before we take off on a big trip in early October.

Incidentally, today is the Autumnal Equinox in our area. Although the official equinox, when daylight and darkness balance, occurred Saturday, the 22nd, we strike our light/dark balance today.

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2 Responses to Harvesting the Garden

  1. Tammy says:

    Do you guys do a lot of canning for the winter? Do you keep fresh veggies in a root cellar?

  2. Mark Zeiger says:

    Hi Tammy, yes, we do a lot of canning. We also cellar as many vegetables as we can in our root cellar, mostly potatoes and beets. This will be a lean winter, as the summer was very cold and wet. Not much in the way of cabbages, onions, leeks, etc. unfortunately. Our main winter greens will likely be sprouts this year.

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