Cold Solstice

Today’s Winter Solstice on the homestead was . . . a muted affair.

The weather didn’t quite cooperate for a proper solar transit viewing. I hoped we’d get some clearing at our usual time, or at least be able to track the cloud-covered sun in its path, but no.

winter solstice, Zeiger family homestead

Winter Solstice 2019 (Photo: Mark A. Zeiger).

We’ve had about 20 inches of snow recently, so I shoveled part of the veranda and half the picnic table (Michelle asked me to keep the pile on part of the table, she likes to look at it from the window). I shot the December monthly movie, which I’ll post here in a few days, then we sat and waited for the solstice transit, when the sun passes from behind the Coast Range across Lynn Canal, to behind the southernmost point of our property.

Scotch whisky on the Winter Solstice

Here’s a health to your Winter Solstice! (Photo: Michelle L. Zeiger).

Our temperature is somewhere in the low 20s, Fahrenheit. Not cold, according to parts of the lower 48, but cold enough to make us wear mittens and sit on cushions to keep us warmer. We sat through the expected transit time, toasted the solstice with a smoky Scotch friends had gifted us, then returned to the warm fireside.

Later, Michelle and I will hike out to the car to bring in part of Christmas dinner. Aly’s working today, and will join us later, hopefully laden with packages from the Post Office. They expanded their usually limited Saturday counter hours, because a recent ferry brought so much mail that can’t be flown in, that they’ve run out of space to process it!

Tonight, we’ll have a small Solstice feast, possibly mull some wine, and snuggle in for the longest night of the year. It’s a cold solstice, but a good one!

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