Winter Solstice 2017

Today marks the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. It is Yule, Midwinter’s Day and Night, as I never tire of relating on this blog (see Season of Darkness, Season of Light, or enter “winter solstice” in our search window).

Winter Solstice 2017 Haines, Alaska

Watching the sun with a fresh cup of coffee! (Photo: Mark A. Zeiger).

This may be my favorite day of the year. It comes within the Christmas season, and defines the nadir of the year. If we can make it through this briefest day and longest night, in the very depths of winter, we can make it through anything else the next cycle of seasons brings us.

Winter Solstice 2017 Haines, Alaska

This is about as high as the sun gets in our view shed on the Winter Solstice, around 10:00 a.m. (Photo: Mark A. Zeiger).

But it’s hardly a matter of endurance. It is, to us, a Holy Night, not to be borne, but celebrated.

Perhaps that’s why it’s a favorite. It is almost like Christmas Day, but without the hustle and bustle of that day. We celebrate in a far more relaxed fashion, and, as we do so, we still have all the anticipation of the coming Christmas Day still ahead of us.

Our celebration is so relaxed that whatever happens will be fine (see Solstice Solitude). Aly has requested some sort of barley soup for dinner, and lots of candles. We’ll mull some wine, no doubt, play Christmas music, perhaps play some games.

Winter Solstice, Haines Alaska 2017

Nothing like a front row seat, and a hot cup of coffee (Photo: Michelle L. Zeiger).

Winter Solstice, Haines Alaska 2017

See it with someone you love, with a good cup of tea for her! (Photo: Mark A. Zeiger).

Like many winter solstices in our region, this year’s is sunny! That seemed impossible yesterday, when the ceiling fell to sea level, and it snowed. The contrast made greeting the sun as it transited briefly around 10:00 a.m. today particularly sweet.

Winter Solstice, Haines Alaska 2017

The show’s ending (Photo: Mark A. Zeiger).

Winter Solstice, Haines Alaska 2017

Going, going, all but gone for the day, at least for our homestead (Photo: Mark A. Zeiger).

Glad Yule! Happy Winter Solstice!

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2 Responses to Winter Solstice 2017

  1. Linn Hartman says:

    Glad you said today was one of your favorite days – it is mine to – it is my birthday – #76 -ha – beautiful pictures of the water and mountains – woke to thick fog this morn -cleared off a little this afternoon – may get some nasty stuff before the weekend is over – have a good holiday and new year – keep up living the good lifr

  2. Mark Zeiger says:

    Happy birthday, Linn! I suspect you are a bit of a rarity, probably more people conceived on the longest night than born on it!

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