The Zeiger Family Boatbuilding Page
We are Mark and Michelle Zeiger (rhymes with 'tiger') of Haines, Alaska. We built our boats in Juneau, Alaska, where most of the photos on this site were taken. Our Web site serves two purposes: to show friends and relatives what we're up to, and to share our boat building projects with boat builders around the world. I've tried to keep things brief enough not to bore the first group, yet provide the details that many in the second group have requested. Boat builders should watch for links in the text to technical notes, which provide more detail on some aspects of building.
Thinking about building your own boat? Try a few books like Buehler's Backyard Boatbuilding, or magazines like Woodenboat or Messing About In Boats. Many other resources are available on our Book List.
Selkie (Phil Bolger's Martha Jane)
Roan (Phil Bolger's June Bug)
Forget-Me-Not (Phil Bolger's Teal)
Dave Zeiger and Anke Wagner's Boats
Cruising on Luna in Sitka, 2004
Zeigers In the Press
The local paper published an article on Selkie after she was built. Unfortunately, the online version linked below doesn't show the great photos Kristan Hutchinson took (some of which appear on the Selkie page). Also, I know the hull speed of the Martha Jane makes traveling at 15-20 knots impossible! I told the reporter we'd had her out in 15-20 knot winds, and she apparently made a mistake in transcribing her notes. Actual hull speed is supposed to be around 6 knots. We've been clocked at 4 knots. I have no idea if we've ever gone faster in Selkie.
Selkie Article
at the Movies
Other Outdoor
Duckworks Magazine picked up Mark's rant against safe sailors on the Yahoo Bolger list
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©2019 Mark A. Zeiger