Patrons of the Zeiger Family Homestead
The continuation of this web site and blog depends on the support of our viewers and readers. Here is our Honor Roll of supporters, some through Patreon.
Sadly, this list is not complete. We have received significant and timely support from readers whose information we have lost through computer crashes over the years. We regret that we cannot share their names with you here.
Also, as the list grows, some supporters may wish to remain anonymous, and will not be listed here to preserve their privacy.
Kim Smith (Patreon Patron and Independent Supporter)
Lloyd and Virginia White (Independent Supporters)
Susan G. (Patreon Patron and Independent Supporter)
Ekij (Independent Supporter)
HOW CAN I SUPPORT THIS SITE? The information on this site is free to you, but not to us. Our cellular based Internet connection costs a good percentage of our total monthly income. The best way to support us is to become a Patron on our Patreon Page. That way, you get stuff for your contribution! Also, we earn revenue through purchases from our Store, ad links on each page, and pays us a commission on purchases from their site if you enter through our links on the Book List Page or on the blog. This applies whether or not you purchase one of our selected titles. |
©2019 Mark A. Zeiger