“Just In Time”

“It’s folly to think of preparedness as last-minute goods grabbing instead of a way of life.”  —Sean Maidy

My friend and, until quite recently, Borough Assembly Member, Sean Maidy, thought this up in the shower recently, along with several other nuggets shared on social media he calls “Coronavirus Epiphany List.” They’re all good, but the one above hit me where I live. Where we live.

Maidy’s quote above explains why we watch or listen to the news and shake our heads in wonder. The rest of the country seems to finally be (trying) to catch up with where we’ve been for years.

Sean's List

My friends complete list (so far) (Screenshot).

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Social Distancing The Homestead Way

Paging through Facebook has always been a go-to procrastination method on these days when I have a blog deadline looming.

Lately, everything’s coronavirus, of course. Today, as I procrastinate, a lot of Facebook posts show friends social distancing. Since many of these friends are Alaskans, you can imagine, we’re pretty socially distant.

If I’ve managed to make one preference clear on this blog, it’s that I adore isolation. I love my friends and loved ones, but I prefer solitude (see Hermit at Heart).

Indulging in another procrastination strategy, I complained to Michelle about writing for the blog. I hit on the idea of following the crowd in posting photos of my self-isolation, but got too cynical about it.

Then, as often happens, my better half stepped in, and made a very good point.

Social isolation, homestead style

Social Distancing, Homestead Style: The love of my life is actually in this photo, I swear! (Photo: Mark A. Zeiger).

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