Making Do for Myself

Michelle took the ferry to Juneau yesterday, and flew south today to visit family and help deal with illness and death. She will be gone just short of two weeks. During that time, I will have to make do for myself.

“Make do” will largely mean getting to town at least once a week to run my own damned errands.

I’ve been spoiled by Michelle’s part time work in town. I have very few reasons to go to Haines these days. When I went in with her on April 15th, we realized that I was making the trip for the first time in 26 days! That might be a personal best. Our friend, Bud, joked that I should start reintroducing myself to people when I go there.

I really like the arrangement. I’m becoming fond of the hermit lifestyle. As long as I stay home, little will change as far as most of the hours of the weekday are concerned.

But until Michelle returns, I’ll need to get groceries now and then, check the mail, and do a few other things. I should also take advantage of the solitude to tackle some projects that are mine alone.

Michelle and I have always lived as a couple—not exactly joined at the hip, but very tuned in to doing things together when possible. For the duration of her trip, I no longer need to consult anyone’s feeling but my own when considering whether to go to town for an evening lecture or other activity. Not that I’ll be going on any spree here, as I am generally the one advocating staying home in the evenings. I’m very aware that any activity in town requires a reserve of time, energy, and ambition to make the hike back home, over a mile, often in the dark. The alternative: snuggle down in a warm, cozy cabin rather than going to town. All too often, the latter wins.

So, if you’re a Hainesite who reads this blog, and you see a vaguely familiar face around town, one you recall seeing once or twice, it’s probably me.

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