So Far, So Good

The second week of August is one of celebrations for our family, important anniversaries that fall within a few days of each other. Generally, we try to set the week aside to pay proper tribute to the milestones, but this year circumstances have forced us to delay or down play most of the observances.

It started this year on August 10th, Michelle’s 50th birthday (so far, so good). The next day, August 11th, we marked the 5th anniversary of moving to the homestead (so far, so good). On the 14th, we celebrated Michelle’s and my 29th wedding anniversary (so far, so good).

The key to our success in reaching all of these anniversaries lies, to a certain extent, in flexibility. Our wedding anniversary celebrations have often been postponed, deferred to make way for a work opportunity, a crisis, or other pressing need. As important as the day is, we’ve learned to mark it and respect it no matter what other duties might prevent us from setting the day aside. Taking the time to celebrate is more important than hitting the date exactly.

This also applies to the other dates, although a birthday is less available for deferment. Even so, this year we blew it out of the water. Aly worked on the day, so Michelle did as well, deciding not to beg off a scheduled assignment. Instead, we planned to celebrate the weekend before, while Aly visited. That plan fell short, as we attended another celebration, one thrown by friends who are leaving town. We managed to share some birthday cake that weekend, but little more. I made a special lunch on Michelle’s birthday before she went to town.

The homestead anniversary is important, but far more easy to let slide. Aly was at work that day as well, but Michelle and I marked it quietly with a good dinner and a toast to our continued success (so far, so good). The wedding anniversary, conveniently fell on a Sunday night, which is generally our weekly “fancy” dinner night. Aly has been called back to work a little more on the field school, but she didn’t need to go to town Sunday night to start early the next morning this time, so at least one of the anniversaries in our week could be properly celebrated on the day itself. One of three didn’t need to be shunted around, delayed or deferred. So far, so good.

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2 Responses to So Far, So Good

  1. Joe says:

    Happy birthday and anniversaries to your family!

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