A friend asked a question yesterday that sent a chill through me: “If I order autographed copies of your book now, will it arrive in time for Christmas?”
Yikes. I had not realized that I need to take on all the cares and concerns of a retailer during the Christmas season, but apparently, I do! Not something to learn on this “Cyber Monday,” the ugly twin of “Black Friday.”
But yes, the fact remains that if you would like to give or receive autographed copies of my new short story book, Shy Ghosts Dancing: Dark Tales from Southeast Alaska for Christmas, you should order soon. In fact, since I’ll be placing an order this evening, you should order now!
If you live in Haines, no sweat—you’ve got more time, since the book should be available at The Babbling Book, our local independent bookstore soon, and I’ll have a few copies floating around the homestead. But, if you live elsewhere, time is of the essence, because, let’s face it, each copy’s going to be a seasoned traveler before it arrives in your mailbox!After all, I need to place an order from the printer in South Carolina, and have it sent here to Haines, which is a journey unto itself. Our mail goes to Juneau, then it comes here by small plane, or, if the weather’s really bad for a long time, it might come on the ferry. Then, I have to pick them up from the Post Office on a trip to town, usually once or twice a week. At that point, your chances improve; as soon as I receive the copies, I intend to head to the library, where I’ll find a nice, quiet corner in which to autograph and package books. Then I’ll take them to the Post Office, where they’ll wait for a plane and good weather to get out and on their way to your home before Christmas.
I’m exhausted just thinking about it. And, watching a 35-knot gale building over Lynn Canal as I write, and contemplating the freezing temperatures and heavy snow forecast for the coming week, I see that I may have my work cut out for me.
This urgency is only if you want an autographed copy. Regular copies through Amazon.com and the printer should come faster than they would from Haines. Procrastination continues to be an option for some!