Changes to Patreon for 2020

We started a Patreon account last March, to help monetize this blog, in hopes of making what has been a non-paying “job” for the last 10 years pay a bit back (see We’re Launching a Patreon Page).

It hasn’t been easy. Despite the hoopla, Patreon isn’t nearly as straightforward as it’s presented. So, we’ve changed things around a bit, to hopefully improve patron benefits.

Patreon page for Zeiger Family Homestead

Our Patreon page (Screen capture).

Primarily, our problem has been that we were “per creation” creators, meaning that we charged patrons for each individual creation. I figured (correctly) that we’d never manage to present more than one creation a month for each tier.

That last term, “each tier” proved to be our downfall. We have two tiers. The lowest tier gets a “thing,” which has, for the most part, been a piece of writing not available to the larger blog audience. The higher tier gets our (mostly) monthly recording, A Place at the Table, sort of an auxiliary podcast to enhance the blog, but they also get the lower tier’s “thing” as well.

Therein, apparently, lies the problem. The Patreon algorithm apparently charges all patrons for all “things,” meaning that for the last months, patrons have been charged double—not every month, maddeningly, but most months.

Now, imagine how embarrassing that is; our generous patrons agree to support us when we produce, but they end up getting charged twice! We had to do something.

We have yet to see whether this new change will improve the situation, but we’re hopeful.

At least, we are getting this ironed out while we have a relatively small group of patrons. Had we gotten overwhelming response, it would have been a real mess to sort out!

It’s a new year, time for a new funding effort. With luck and vigilance, it’ll (forgive me) pay off in better service for patrons, and increased patrons.

And, as always, thanks to everyone who supports the blog, either through Patreon or the contributions block on each website page, through other means like our links and other ads, and by simply reading the blog faithfully! You make this all possible.

The Zeigers at the dining table

Join us! There’s A Place at the Table for you! (Photo: Mark A. Zeiger).

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