Sleep Over!

Our friends, Bill and Susan, arrived yesterday on the ferry, and we had a great visit with them. We’d assumed that they would need to press on to see other friends in our area, then go on to the interior, but we were pleasantly surprised when they asked if they could come back the next day and spend the night with us at the homestead! We’re so pleased, especially since the ferry was late arriving, which made us rule out taking them home for a quick tour. Now we’ll have an old fashioned sleep over, with plenty of time to tour the homestead, visit, eat, and drink.

As I mentioned previously, it’s been ten years since we’ve seen each other, so we have much to catch up on. And, it’s been a long time since we’ve had out of town friends come to stay. I particularly look forward to this kind of visit, especially with these friends, with whom we’ve shared similar visits in the past. Bill and I once spent a weekend with a bunch of other guys at Muir Cabin in Spaulding Meadows above Juneau. One of the guys had planned a romantic getaway, but his girlfriend had other plans, so he turned it into a men’s retreat instead. New Year’s Eve 1999 the four of us and one other friend camped out in North Bridget Cove. It was a frigid night, so we gave up and went to bed well before the stroke of midnight, but we had a lot of fun! We camped out on the floor of their quonset hut home in Talkeetna when Aly was five. This evening we’ll have make a new memory together. It’ll feel like old times!

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