“The Play’s the Thing”

We’ve had play practice every night this week, and may continue to do so for the coming two weeks (see The Show Must Go On)!  I’m thoroughly enjoying it, but I can see how it’s cutting into time I generally devote to the blog.

I’m running my lines constantly using my MP3 player, listening to the dialogue I recorded instead of my usual chore time companion, audiobooks (see Voices in My Head). This, far more than the audiobooks, takes time away from the cogitation I usually enjoy while working around the homestead, the sort of daydreaming that produces most of the material for this blog.

The fact is, the play has occupied most of my waking hours. Even as I type these few lines, my mind’s on editing the recording of last night’s run-through so I can pass out MP3s to cast members tonight, to infect their lives as mine has been.

I apologize, then, for a slacking off on the blog, but I do not regret it. I’m having a blast! I think the play is going to be really, really good. If it’s not, at least we, the cast, will have an excellent time presenting it.

As I run lines, though, I can’t help looking around now and then. We are at a high point in our circle of seasons. The herring shoals are moving through our waters, although we’ve not seen any off our beach. The hummingbirds, which apparently arrived in Haines right on schedule (see A Good South Wind) are beginning to work their way to our place—we think our shaded, eastern frontage might be less tempting to them than town, where more flowers mean more nectar and bugs to eat. Michelle saw our first hummingbird the other evening, while I was at play practice. At that same moment, she saw a humpback whale, one of only two we’ve seen so far this season. The air around the cabin is filled with bird song, mostly ruby crowned kinglets, and the aroma of alder blossoms, one of the sweetest springs one could wish for.

I’m not blind or deaf to any of this, nor am I ignoring it in favor of the play. I’m a little focused at the moment, but before long, I’ll be back to the every day operations of the homestead. Hopefully, the blog will reflect that soon as well.


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